
Civic Station – One Last Look

today19 July 2014

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This video was filmed by David Threlfo on Friday 18th July 2014. It is one of the last looks at the station before it closes on Boxing Day (26th December 2014). The rail line was installed around 1872 and it’s closure is making way for the development of Newcastle and will improve the connectivity between the city and the harbour. Heavy Rail will terminate at a new Wickham Interchange and Light Rail will replace trains through the Newcastle CBD.

The video is filmed in HD by David using a hand-held with a Sony NEX5N, 18-55mm kit lens, full manual settings, on a Steadicam Merlin rig, in 25p. Ungraded, edited in Sony Vegas Pro 13 from AVCHD source files. Track is from Sony Production Music library.

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Written by: David Threlfo
